글로벌 바이오 헬스큐어 기업 제넨셀


Lomens-P0 (mixed extracts of Hordeum vulgare and Chrysanthemum zawadskii) regulate the expression of factors affecting premenstrual syndrome symptoms







()제넨셀은 여성 생리전증후군 증상 완화에 도움을 줄 수 있는 건강기능식품 및 의약품의 개발을 위해

다양한 소재에 대한 연구를 지속적으로 하고 있으며이들을 통한 사업화를 추진하고 있습니다.


해당 논문은 경희대학교와 공동연구를 통해 ‘맥아구절초혼합추출분말(Lomens-P0)’이 

뇌하수체유래세포 (GH3 cell)에서 E2로 유도된 prolactin 과발현에 대한 억제 효과를 가지며,

단핵구/대식세포 (Raw 264.7 cell)에서 nitric oxide 및 염증 매개물질 발현의 억제에 도움을 줄 수 있음을 밝혀냈습니다.

또한, 과프로락틴혈증을 유발한 ICR 마우스 동물실험에서 혈중 prolactin 분비 억제 및 자궁조직의 염증 매개인자 발현 억제,  

르몬 비율정상화를 통해 여성 생리전증후군 증상 완화에 도움을 줄 수 있음을 입증하였습니다


이 논문은 국제저명학술지 Nutrition Research and Practice (IF 1.926)에 게재되었으며,

추후 맥아구절초혼합추출분말(Lomens-P0) 사업화 기초 자료로 활용될 예정입니다.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a disorder characterized by repeated emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms before menstruation, and the exact cause and mechanism are uncertain. Hyperprolactinemia interferes with the normal production of estrogen and progesterone, leading to PMS symptoms. Thus, we judged that the inhibition of prolactin hypersecretion could mitigate PMS symptoms. Hordeum vulgare L. extract (HVE), Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum extract (CZE), and Lomens-P0 the mixture of these extracts were tested in subsequent experiments. The effect of extracts on prolactin secretion at the in vitro level was measured in GH3 cells. Nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory mediator expression were measured in RAW 264.7 cells to confirm the anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the hyperprolactinemic Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) mice model was used to measure extract effects on prolactin and hormone secretion and uterine inflammation. Anti-inflammatory effects of and prolactin secretion suppress by HVE and CZE were confirmed through in vitro experiments (P<0.05). Treatment with Lomens-P0 inhibited prolactin secretion (P<0.05) and restored normal sex hormone secretion in the hyperprolactinemia mice model. In addition, extracts significantly inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory biomarkers, including interleukin-1β, and -6tumor necrosis factor-αinducible nitric oxide synthase, and cyclooxygenase-2 (P<0.01). We used high-performance liquid chromatography analyses to identify tricin and chlorogenic acid as the respective components of HVE and CZE that inhibit prolactin secretion. The Lomens-P0, which includes tricin and chlorogenic acid, is expected to be effective in improving PMS symptoms in the human body. The Lomens-P0 suppressed the prolactin secretion in hyperprolactinemia mice, normalized the sex hormone imbalance, and significantly suppressed the expression of inflammatory markers in uterine tissue. This study suggests that Lomens-P0 may have the potential to prevent or remedy materials to PMS symptoms.


Premenstrual syndromemedicinal plantsprolactinhormonesinflammation